Structural Isomers


We all have a lot of items that look similar but aren't the same. Like our feet, a pair of pencils which have been sharpened to different lengths, our hands, shoes, etc. In the same way, in chemistry, there are a group of similar substances which look the same and sometimes, have similar properties, but aren't exactly the same. They are called isomers. Isomers are of two types: structural isomers and stereoisomers. In this post, we will be discussing structural isomers.


Structural Isomers are those isomers that have the same number of atoms, but the structures are bonded differently. They are also of a few types:

  1. Chain isomerism where two compounds have the same molecular formula but different parent chains. If two or more compounds having the same type of molecular formula with different main chains, then they are said to exhibit the property of Chain isomerism. This phenomenon is also called skeletal isomerism.

  2. Positional isomerism arises when there is a difference in the positions occupied by the substituent atoms or a group of atoms or due to the unsaturation occurring in the chain. When the position of the functional groups to the main chain atom changes, the phenomenon is called position isomerism.

  3. The Functional group isomerism occurs when there is a  presence of the odd form of functional groups with the same chemical formula. When some compound has two different structures but the same chemical formula, then it is said to exhibit functional isomerism.
In the next post, we will talk about stereoisomerism. Till then, bye!


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